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7/8 News
Science/Social Studies – Mrs. Bebell This week, the students learned about the circulatory system and how the heart pumps blood throughout the body to transport nutrients, oxygen, and hormones. We dissected a pig heart to see first-hand how heart chambers are constructed. We also made a model of the components of blood …
7/8 News
Science/Social Studies – Mrs. Bebell The students have done an amazing job throughout our unit on the endocrine and reproductive systems. What started out as an awkward and embarrassing topic has developed into one that students can confidently and respectfully discuss. They showed wonderful growth and learning on Thursday’s post-test! English Language …
7/8 News
Science/Social Studies – Mrs. Bebell This week students developed a clearer understanding of how the menstrual cycle works so that they can better understand how fertilization can lead to the development of a human fetus. They watched a documentary that illustrated the journey from attraction to birth, and were fascinated by the …
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Brooklin Minutes 5-8-18
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